I love a lot of unobtainable ladies!
Including this beauty, but Gwen Stefani remains my favourite.
Christina has been a favourite of mine ever since her first record: "Genie in a bottle". She presented a clean wholesome image, rather like that of Britney Spears. But later, with the release of her Album (and video) "Dirrty" she raised my consciousness of her rather :)
She is not only terribly sexy, but has a lack of the self-obsession which other women of her fame and wealth could do well to imitate. Christina is not only a great world-class singer, but is able to turn her hand to modelling; and that includes modelling underwear with a lack of self-consciousness, as she is doing in these two photos.
At one time she had rather skinny legs, and that is noticeable in the "Moulin Rouge" video, but she has nicely filled-out, as you can see from her pics here. :)
Live long and prosper, Christina and may your marriage not end up like so many of your contemporaries have.
All my best wishes and love to you.