Sunday, September 30, 2007

Britain's full jails

In the last few days it has been reported that the UK's jails are at bursting point, with the highest ever recorded number of inmates, and only 780 places left.

Is this really a surprise when almost every week we read of people being jailed for years merely for what they have on their computer or who they talk to in a chatroom?
In every instance no physical contact with anyone had been reported.

So what next? Oh yes, it may soon be illegal to pay a woman for sexual favours!
Perhaps a new type of jailbird will be noticed, should that ludicrous law be placed on the statute books. You can bet it ain't men who want it there, but frustrated old cows who haven't seen a dick in years.

We are supposedly a part of Europe, it is only when one travels to places like Amsterdam and Hamburg that we begin to realise just how BACKWARD this bloody country is, and how the full integration with the liberal minded Europeans hasn't really happened.

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