Monday, September 10, 2007

Malicious allegations and the law.

It has come to my notice that there is a system in this country, the land of "Justice" whereby ANYONE can make a malicious allegation, particularly of a sexual nature, and remain anonymous whilst the supposed "abuser" gets his (usually) name plastered all over the newspapers, thereby running the risk of getting his house trashed by a mob, and his physical safety put at risk.
I have noticed a recent case where a guy moved, presumably to a temporary address, during his trial, and that one too, as well as his usual address, was noted in the newspapers!
NO-ONE should have their name and address shown in any newspaper until they have been found guilty!
There have been many cases where the so-called "witness",
the accuser, has been shown to have a malicious reason for making an accusation, but still remained anonymous to the public: this should change. Perhaps then there shall be a reduction in the frequency of such accusations.

Justice should mean Justice for all , not the minority who would use the system to get at someone else.

Time for change.

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