Sunday, April 01, 2012

How it has changed...

I visited my birthplace in London yesterday.

I was deeply shocked to see how the character of Woolwich has changed.
To be frank, to describe it as looking like a suburb of Mogadishu would not be incorrect.

Someone, somewhere has vastly underestimated the immigration figures for this green & pleasant land, and maybe deliberately too. Being outnumbered at least four to one has been postulated by a friend who I met and drank Coffee with, near Woolwich Arsenal rail station: he is not happy.

The place of happy memories is now a sea of Muslims; Afro-Caribbean and Halal shops and a new Mosque is nearing completion with "Phase two" starting soon.

Woolwich's most famous son was General Gordon; he of the Sudanese wars.
I stood in what WAS named General Gordon Place, yesterday, except that all references to him have been removed and a bland new square put in place, complete with giant TV screen.
I shall await with interest to see if the square gets named after Gordon, or if I suspect, his name has gone to be politically correct.
I may add to this as my mood sees fit, but I am concerned for our British way of life and want it to stay that way, with our culture, not one that has been imposed upon us.
Is that racist? I don't care whether it is, or seems that way, but I WILL have my say.

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