Tuesday, August 24, 2010

YouTube increases time limit for videos

Thankyou YouTube. Now as you seem to be denying me the ability to post on your crap forums now, by never publishing what I say: here's your link:

and here's your fricken' answer from me:

"Thankyou YouTube, the extension of the 10 minute limit is welcome, however this is not of much use if after two years of being on site, and thousands of views, our videos are reduced to looking like they were shot through the bottom of a glass bottle. Put back the 480p setting, YouTube, and cease degrading any more videos to 360p"

Quite apart from this I see that the really silly idea that people are "manipulating their viewcounts" continues with these YouTube vultures; freezing at least four of mine at around 301 for over a month! Yeah right, sure I am...not.