Friday, February 28, 2014

The desperate state of consumer advice.

Does anyone living in Somerset (and perhaps the whole UK)  realise that traders in shops and supermarkets are now apparently able to rip you off or lie about their products? This seem to be the situation now.
If you report anything to trading standards, no longer can you speak to them personally, as before , but are put through to a "Consumer advice" desk run by Citizens advice. Report your complaint, but there is no guarantee that Trading Standards will even give an acknowledgement or tell you if they have investigated. After a month of waiting , I called the number given and spoke to a woman in CUMBRIA, who was of no help at ALL!! This is due to financial cutback at Somerset County Council, of course, run by Tories.
With the almost total disappearance of legal-aid, there seems to be nowhere at all to go if you have been ripped off.
In the meantime: beware of the Mountain Warehouse, and its "offers"

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